Give today to protect the Seeds for Humanity and the Next 7 Generations

Want to join me in making a difference? Your donation is critical for the Path & Grandmother Flordemayo’s work for humanity.

Give today to protect the Seeds for Humanity and the Next 7 Generations image




Want to join me in making a difference? Your donation is critical for the Path & Grandmother Flordemayo’s work for humanity.

We are Fundraising for The Future Generations

Our Vision is to raise spiritual consciousness n the inter-connectiveness between humanity and Mother Earth.

We are, as all of humanity is, at a crossroads. We are facing the loss of bio-diversity at an unprecedented rate. Human migration is at an all-time high – 1 in 100 people are displaced from their homes for a variety of reasons including climate change.

Heirloom seeds are our past and our future, taking many generations to diversify and cultivate. Seed banks, like the one at The Path, are crucial for our very survival. They support our survival by: Preserving Crop Diversity; Protecting Us from Climate Change; Protecting Us from Natural Disasters; Mitigating Disease in Crops; Providing Seed Material for Research

The last couple of years have been particularly challenging for our family. The pandemic and health issues have prevented my mother from traveling as much and she has been my father’s caretaker. Grandmother Flordemayo is having a much needed Spinal Surgery in April 2023 and this comes after her husband of over 50 years in the past two years had two heart surgeries.

Funding for The Path that would normally come from my mother’s travels but currently this continues to be on hold until she has her surgery and heals. This is our fundraiser we have been using for the last few years. Our yearly budget is $55,000 so we have increased this Fundraiser to include this year as well.

Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money for Grandmother Flordemayo & The Path and your donation will help make an impact. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me as her daughter, her assistant, and volunteer for The Path. This is the legacy my Mom wants to pass on for Future Generations.

The mission of the Path is to conserve and distribute seeds for future generations. We meet our mission through seed conservation, education, and collaboration with other organizations.

Each time Grandmother Flordemayo travels it is on behalf of her non-profit The Path Inc. Grandmother Flordemayo's mission is to bring awareness about the preservation of heirlooms seeds for future generations.

However with the Corona Virus - Covid 19 travels have stopped and we have closed The Path to visitors and income has decreased by over 75%.

Are you fortunate enough to have escaped the worst financial impacts of the pandemic? If so, then you are one of those we are appealing to! So we ask you to… consider making a donation today!

The Path embraces all spiritual paths & aligns the teachings, events, workshops & practices of indigenous traditions & earth-based wisdom for the betterment & support of all beings. The mission of The Path is to conserve & distribute seeds for future generations. We meet our mission through seed conservation, education, & collaboration with other organizations.

Your donations are critical to ensure the maintenance of the sacred sites on the 40-Acres property, located in Estancia, New Mexico.

What the funds are for: Today, we are going Green! Our intention is to bring renewable and sustainable technologies to The Path, such as solar and/or wind power, rain catchment system, and gray water system, new HVAC for the Seed Temple, and new septic and sewage system.

Grandmother Flordemayo is a much sought-after Wisdom Keeper, Teacher, and Speaker.

Our Story:

Grandmother Flordemayo is the founder of The Path. The Path is located on 40-acres in Estancia, New Mexico, just east of Albuquerque. Estancia is translated as the “place of rest.” On the 40-Acres are five sacred temples for humanity: The Seed Temple , The Temple of the Golden Child , The Water Temple , The Fire Temple , Wind Temple , and the Earth Temple .The Seed Temple is the realization of Grandmother Flordemayo's original vision of a place where the sacred heritage seeds would be protected for future generations. It has existed since 2012 and has served as a source of seed for the local area, such as the Estancia Seed Library, as well as for many individuals in New Mexico and elsewhere. The many gatherings on the site have involved educational classes, sharing of seeds, and celebration of the spirituality carried in the seeds. Now more than ever it is critical that we protect and increase our heritage seeds for the future and for our communities. Much of the diversity of seeds is being lost as fewer people are planting the original seeds, as modern agriculture has turned to genetically modified and patented seeds to produce our crops. The seeds in our collection have come from numerous donations of samples of traditional varieties of corn, beans, squash, grains, vegetables, and herbs. The Seed Temple is designed as a controlled environment that protects the viability of the seeds stored. From the Seed Temple, many kinds of seeds from our collection have been sent to volunteers who have helped grow and increase them, to keep them strong, and to provide a stock source to distribute to others. Working to preserve these seeds gives us a sense of purpose and unity and fosters the relationships in the community, which are our true wealth. The Seed Temple networks with other organizations such as the Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance and with seed preservation groups and individuals in the Southwest and beyond. It holds a special place in the future of the worldwide movement to preserve our sacred seeds.I truly can’t thank everyone enough who donated to our previous campaign. The funds are so important to maintaining the Path and Grandmother Flordemayo’s work for humanity.

Who We Are:

We meet our mission through seed conservation, education, and collaboration with other organizations and indigenous communities. Our Vision is to raise the spiritual consciousness on the inter-connectedness between humanity and Mother Earth.

If you would like to make a donation by mail, please make check payable to:

The Path

3103 North Maywood Avenue

Boise, ID 83704

The Path is a 501(c)3 non-for-profit corporation. Your contribution qualifies as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.

Other ways you can Support The Path:

Amazon donates to The Path when you shop

Donate to the Path with Paypal

Become a member of The Path

Find out more information:

To learn about the Seed Temple

Find out more about The Path

Find out more about Grandmother Flordemayo

Links on Social Media:

Follow Grandmother Flordemayo on Facebook

Follow Grandmother Flordemayo on Twitter

Follow Grandmother Flordemayo on Instagram Follow The Path on Facebook

How you can help: Please consider donating to this campaign, and sharing it with your friends and family on Facebook, email, Twitter, and text message. Each share makes a real difference!


Who is Grandmother Flordemayo ?

Grandmother Flordemayo is a Curandera Espiritu, or a healer of divine spirit. As a seer, she has the ability to see other realms of color, light, and sound. In addition, she has the ability to see the effects of existing imbalances on the physical, emotional and spiritual realms within a person's energy system. She was born in highlands of Central America, specifically Nicaragua and is the youngest of 15 children. She was born under the sign for the seed, in Mayan astrology. To find out more about Grandmother Flordemayo

There is a grave threat to the loss of the heritage seeds due to contamination from the genetically modified (GMO) seeds through cross pollination and misguided disuse by gardeners and farmers, which equates to the ultimate threat to a sustainable food supply.

The Path will collect, protect and share food, medicinal and flower plant seeds. A naturally-temperature controlled environment will protect the seeds. Each species of seeds is carefully categorized and sealed in glass jars to keep them viable.

The Path and the 40 acres has a history of hosting many activities and ceremonies. In addition to the Seed Temple, we have a garden area where we grew and harvested sunflower seeds this year.

There also is a Water Medicine Wheel that honors water in the design of the medicine wheel and includes a large centralized water feature that flows into a small pond that is home to Rio Grande chirping frogs. The Medicine Wheel is surrounded by large Grandmother and Grandfather stones marking the directions, but there are also large stones marking the boundaries of the 40 acres and on the land.

There is a fire pit surrounded by bench seating that has been used for Mayan Fire Ceremonies. A gong serenades us when the wind blows, and some traditions say the wind is “Communication”.

In addition to the Seed temple, one of the centerpieces of The Path and the 40 acres is The Hogan, which is a large eight-sided straw bale building that is cool in the summer and warm in the colder months, but does include air conditioning, a wood stove, and a propane heater, so has been used for indoor ceremonies all year.

40 acres is a large area and could be home to other ceremonial installations, such as a labyrinth or a Sweat Lodge, but would require the assistance and leadership of volunteers to manifest it if there is sufficient interest.

It is easy to describe the facilities at The Path and the 40 acres, but much harder to describe the many ceremonies that people have enjoyed here. Some have been small, and some have been attended by more than 100 participants, but all have been marked by a deep connection to the land, the participants, and all of us attending.

We do not sell seeds. We do not charge for individuals or groups to preserve their seeds at The Path. The Path & Grandmother Flordemayo offer many events free of charge each year. We rely on the generosity of individuals to sustain The Path and help with Grandmother Flordemayo's travels to some events that do not have the funds to pay for travel.

Love and Light,

Grandmother Flordemayo